SAT Improving Sentences: Test 1

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Our improving sentences practice tests will help you prepare for your SAT sentence correction questions. These questions test your ability to correct faults in sentence structure as well as your ability to recognize effective sentences that follow the requirements of standard written English.

Directions: Read each sentence carefully and determine whether the underlined portion is correct or whether it needs to be improved. Choice A keeps the original phrasing and the other four choices are different. Select the choice that provides the most effective sentence. It should be clear and precise, without any awkwardness or ambiguity.

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Question 1
Many native rainforest species, for what are often unknown reasons, has been found to have powerful medicinal properties.

Many native rainforest species, for what are often unknown reasons, has been found to have
Many native rainforest species are often unknown in their reason for having
For what are often unknown reasons, many native rainforest species have been found to have
Unknown is often the reasons that many native rainforest species have been found to have
For reasons that are often unknown, many native rainforest species, in having been found to have
Question 1 Explanation: 
The correct answer is (C). The original sentence has a subject-verb agreement error. The plural subject “species” does not go with the singular verb “has.” This option corrects the error in the most concise, logical way.
Question 2
The sense of fun and simplicity in the rhyme scheme of a classic children’s song make it fun to sing and easy to memorize.

make it fun
make them fun
makes it fun
is why it’s fun
are a reason why it’s fun
Question 2 Explanation: 
The correct response is (A). There is no grammar error in the original sentence. The pronoun “it” correctly refers back to “song” and the compound subject “fun and simplicity” correctly match the singular verb “make.”
Question 3
Despite the rising demand for it, only 1,000 electric vehicles are made each month.

Despite the rising demand for it
Despite the rising demand for them
Although it has more than enough demand
Although demands for it exceed its availability
Demand for them is rising
Question 3 Explanation: 
The correct answer is (B). The ideas in the two clauses are contrasting: there is rising demand BUT only 1,000 are made. The correct choice will use a contrasting transition word without introducing an ambiguous pronoun. The word “it” in (A), (C), and (D) does not have a clear noun that it replaces.
Question 4
Around the world, enthusiasm has decreased for music performed by orchestras, choirs, chamber ensembles, and other classical music.

and other classical music.
and other places where classical music is performed.
and performances by other classical ensembles.
and other classical ensembles.
and other classical performances.
Question 4 Explanation: 
The correct answer is (D). There’s an error in meaning in this sentence. “other classical music” is not a type of “music performed.” The last item in this list should be another type of group that performs music, like “orchestras, choirs, chamber ensembles….” The closest match is “other classical ensembles.”
Question 5
The student hopes that calculus will not prove to be equally as difficult as geometry.

equally as difficult as geometry.
equally difficult as geometry was.
as difficult as geometry.
equal in difficulty from geometry
as equally difficult as geometry.
Question 5 Explanation: 
The correct answer is (C). The correct two-part Idiom to make a comparison is “as ___ as ___.” Here we are comparing calculus to geometry. The word “equally” is unnecessary to the meaning of the sentence and can be omitted.
Question 6
Relying on its news, MSNBC is a television station many people watch.

Relying on its news, MSNBC is a television station many people watch.
Relying on its news, the television station MSNBC is the one many people watch.
A television station watched by many people relying on its news is MSNBC.
Relying on its news, many people watch the television station MSNBC.
Many people, relying on MSNBC, and watching it.
Question 6 Explanation: 
The correct answer is (D). It’s important that modifying clauses refer to logical things. As written, the sentence tells us that MSNBC relies on its own news. (D) gives the introductory phrase a logical object (“many people”) without introducing new errors. Choice (C) is in passive voice and choice (E) creates a sentence fragment.
Question 7
Certain constellations have a particular meaning for those people which have a belief in astrology.

which have a belief in astrology.
who believe in astrology.
whom believe in astrology.
that believe in astrology.
who believing in astrology.
Question 7 Explanation: 
The correct answer is (B). On the SAT, we can only use the pronouns “who” and “whom” to refer to people. We cannot use “which” or “that” to refer to people, only to things. Both (B) and (E) use “who,” but (E) creates a sentence fragment.
Question 8
Marisa couldn’t stand to watch football, of which she found the length particularly boring.

football, of which she found the length particularly boring.
football; she found the length particularly boring.
football, which she found particularly boring.
football, to which she found the length particularly boring.
football; which he found particularly boring in length.
Question 8 Explanation: 
The correct answer is (B). Correct answer choices on the SAT will contain no grammar errors, but also be as concise as possible. As written, the sentence is awkward and unnecessarily wordy. (B) is more concise without introducing any additional errors. (C) creates a run-on sentence.
Question 9
The government imposed sanctions on a renegade nation last month after they violated the terms of a worldwide arms-control agreement.

imposed sanctions on a renegade nation last month after they violated
imposed sanctions on a renegade nation last month after it was violating
has imposed sanctions on a renegade nation last month after they violated
imposed sanctions on a renegade nation last month after that nation violated
imposed sanctions on a nation of renegades last month after they violated
Question 9 Explanation: 
The correct response is (D). Pronouns must refer to and agree in number with clear, unambiguous antecedents on the SAT. The only plural nouns in this sentence are “sanctions” and “terms,” neither of which provides a logical antecedent for the pronoun “they.” (D) replaces the pronoun with a logical antecedent. In (B), “it” could refer to two possible antecedents. (E) uses a plural pronoun (“they”) to refer to a singular noun (“nation”).
Question 10
Although William Howard Taft served as President for 4 years; he was not finished with public service, though, and went on to serve as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

Although William Howard Taft served as
They elected William Howard Taft
Despite the fact that William Howard Taft served as
William Howard Taft served as
With William Howard Taft serving as
Question 10 Explanation: 
The correct response is (D). A semicolon can only be used to combine independent clauses. The first clause in (A) is not independent (it cannot stand on its own as a complete sentence), so the semicolon splice is incorrect. (D) makes the first clause independent without introducing any additional errors. (B) uses the pronoun “they” with no antecedent. (C) and (E) do not address the error.
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